“Harnessing the power of digital technologies is essential for achieving universal health coverage”,
WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

Our Services
Get the best out of health data
We support health organisations by creating and implementing digital healthcare solutions that enhance their impact

Make health data digital
We support the shift from paper to digital. We do so by customizing and implementing softwares such as DHIS2, OpenMRS, and OpenLMIS.

Make information systems
speak to each other
We interconnect disparate health information systems to enable data to flow in a simple, secure and standard way.

Digital health
Make health data impactful
We evaluate and strengthen health information systems’ performance by leveraging existing solutions or constructing new ones.
Our Products
Connect the patient continuum of care
We develop digital solutions that bridge health information gaps along the continuum of care

Faster access to laboratory results for all
DataToCare is an open-source connectivity platform providing faster access to laboratory results. It captures test results in remote sites in a standard way, displays the gathered results on a national dashboard, and sends the results to physicians in real-time.

Faster and more accurate data from the field
MediScout is a platform that enables community health workers and surveillance programs to be more efficient and to close information gaps between the community and the central level.
Our focus areas
Disease surveillance
We develop prediction maps and operational apps that support early disease detection activities within marginalized communities. Our tools ensure they receive care in a timely manner.
Patient care
We build tools that improve service delivery at facility level allowing for easy referrals and data transfer across health care units of health care centres
Heatlh care coordination
We address coordination gaps by providing tools that enable resource mapping, knowledge sharing, and collaboration amongst health stakeholders.
laboratory systems
We customize and deploy connectivity solutions that collect and disseminate lab data, support maintenance of lab equipment and stock management of valuable lab supplies.
Health projects
Health facilities connected
Persons impacted

Our partners
We work hand in hand with Ministries of Health, donors, international development partners, NGOs and civil society organizations worldwide to co-develop digital solutions adapted to different environments
We also leverage synergies with universities, research institutes, other companies and different communities to reach together the
Universal Health Coverage.